vrijdag 27 mei 2011

Verbetering veiligheidssituatie in Afghanistan propagandapraatjes

Dit weerlegt in "1 woord" alle onzin die politici en generaals uitkramen, als propaganda voor hun burgers, dat de veiligheid in Afghanistan verbetert.

Dit betekent trouwens niet, dat dit weblog niet achter de gewone soldaat zou staan. Integendeel, dit weblog staat achter de gewone soldaat, die onder zeer moeilijke omstandigheden de opdracht uit moet voeren die hij of zij van zijn of haar regering heeft gekregen.

Uit het rapport van het Rode Kruis, oktober 2010:

The conflict between armed groups and national and international forces in Afghanistan is intensifying and spreading, with fighting occurring regularly in over half of the country. This has led to ever increasing civilian casualties and burgeoning humanitarian needs. Even in provinces not affected by open warfare, roadside and suicide bombs as well as air strikes or night raids are commonplace. While the south and the south-east remain the most conflict-prone region, the security situation has also deteriorated in eastern and north-western provinces.

The armed conflict is continuing to worsen the humanitarian situation for the Afghan population. Meanwhile, the volatile security situation and the fact that much of the country remains out of bounds are making it increasingly difficult for humanitarian actors to reach out to people in need. Nevertheless, the organization has managed to extend its presence, including in the worst-affected provinces. In 2009 it opened new offices in Farah, Ghazni, Lashkar Gah, Maymana and Qala-i-Nau.

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