maandag 24 september 2012

VN veroordeelt dodelijke aanslag op basisschool in Irak

De Verenigde Naties hebben de zelfmoordaanslag van maandag op een basisschool in de provincie Anbar, in het westen van Irak, scherp veroordeeld.

De chef van de UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Martin Kobler, zegt in een verklaring dat de aanslag "een schokkende daad van geweld is tegen onschuldigen".

Een zelfmoordaanvaller blies zich in een bomauto op in de buurt van een school. Hierbij kwamen vier kinderen om het leven.

"Of de school nu het doelwit was of niet, geen enkel kind mag de prijs betalen van geweld dat wordt uitgevoerd door criminelen," aldus Martin Kobler.

De verklaring van de VN:


The top United Nations envoy in Iraq has strongly condemned the bombing of a primary school in the western province of Anbar today in which several children were reportedly killed.

The attack comes two days into the new school year for over nine million Iraqi children, according to a news release issued by the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

“This is a shocking act of violence against the innocent,” said the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Iraq and head of UNAMI, Martin Kobler.

Four children were reportedly killed when a suicide car bomb exploded near the school. The Mission has understood from initial reports that some of the young victims were just starting the first grade.

“For schools to be attacked is a despicable crime and we are particularly distressed to learn that some of the victims were young children,” Mr. Kobler added. “Whether the school was intended as the target or not, no child should pay the price for violence carried out at the hands of criminals.”

(VN: New York, Sep 24, 2012)

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