zondag 13 mei 2012

De nieuwe AREU A tot Z gids hulpverlening en wederopbouw Afghanistan is uit

The Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) heeft de nieuwe A tot Z-gids uitgegeven over de hulp voor Afghanistan.

De gids heeft tot doel om het bergrip te vergroten van de processen die zich in Afghanistan afspelen. Wie zijn de deelnemers? Wat zijn de structuren? Hoe functioneert de regering? Hoe verhoudt zich dit tot hulpverlening en wederopbouw?

AREU is een onafhankelijke onderzoeksorganisatie die in de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul is gevestigd.

De gids is via deze link te downloaden: The A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance 2012. Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU). 10 ed, 2012.

Een woordvoerder van AREU meldt in een email over de gids onder meer:


13 April 2012

The A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance 2012

Ten editions and still going strong. The 2012 version of AREU’s flagship “A to Z Guide” is now available. Aiming to enhance understanding of the actors, structures and government processes related to aid and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan, the new edition offers:

· A comprehensive glossary of assistance terms, including new entries on Afghanistan’s water resources, mineral wealth and the Transition process

· An overview of Afghanistan’s system of government

· Key primary documents along with country and city maps

· In collaboration with the World Bank, a new section of 34 provincial profiles presenting key development indicators against national benchmarks

· An extensive contacts directory that includes government agencies, NGOs, and international actors; this now includes a province-by-province guide to radio, TV and print media currently active in Afghanistan courtesy of Nai Media.

Hardcopies of the English edition of the 2012 A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance are available for purchase (Afs 1000) at the AREU office in Shahr-i-Naw, Kabul. Soft copies of the English can be downloaded for free from www.areu.org.af, with Dari and Pashto soon to follow. Printed Dari and Pashto editions will also be available (Afs 50) at a later date.

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